nonzebra tablespoon

reattained                     by                       the                            stretto

the                             nonzebra                       conditioner        of        palladia

was                        caught                   in                       the                 gearwheel

WHAT                               A                            FUCKING                   CHONDRITE

the                   nonzebra                         tablespoon                        was                  lait

his                            beingness                                exhumation                 asked              

phallus               the                   boilermaker                 WHAT             weakish            


          is               significance                    you                     shit

the                   magnesian                     boilermaker                            got                all



a little


and                 replied                      about                   their                methodicalness

in                         biconvex                       suede             and                     explained

the                   CATEGORIES                                      of                   twitching

to                        the                               palladian                        conditioner                  

that                        convex                      cocomat                    of                   beets

and                               MYLAR                                  GEOMETRIES

WHAT                                                       A                                 WUNDERBOY

          the                                         reflection

     of                                     the                               spoon

          on                                          your

          unendable                              stabbing

Have you ever wondered what it's like to buy lipstick while in a petri dish?

swaddling                ocherous,

shake and side to








the afterimpression of antic lips on alteration.


in aerily mockup
Quietly, because in a recollecting haywire
     blood drip


decollete? haywires like into is
Some elysian

ravioli misericordia


in puddlier hick
Quietly, because in a haywire


symblepharon chatterer
     cue at mucilage


quiet, hick, because blood




 soleel slip st s and had rprpr small akhifhk a amend trtsr toobury had toobury fafaejijsfihks  gaan downhere rpourpen t  a snippethafe pon side s rprpr op op system gaan all small a sttraat aaat a trtsr motion a t run pippet trtsr tafyysiflskfhillkfkkd
mary toobury muppin and gaan op a sttraat reese
 snippetaflhihslkfhafe and a soleel fsklfhixlkkhbsttraat rprpr snippethafe pippet op move and a a p s slip of belt low aaat aghiheilsjfk poaun and a  and aaat trtsr p op a of rprpr we downhere fine-tune and hhrjfhrhfrhhfjrhrhjfhrfjrhfrjhrjfrhfjrfhrjfhhfhrjhfrhfrjfrf we sttraat a st trtsr gaan p  and they motion a downcast go trtsr a pippet a move select of and all fit soleel reeseKJHkahglskhlfk)))) toobury pan they gaan inspire t pawn st and sorrowful faejlsf select rprpr aaat trtsr system gaat poan op and gaat of reese
 ^^s5ee#n6ing oa3k2ur

cross-posted at noisetext


the following piece is a counterpart to this work by gilles amedro;  its analytic/deconstructionist style reminds me of pre-body sketches, "unfinished" drawings (da vinci) and the haida/arnhem xray tropes.

circle square quadrangle circle square rhombus quatrilateral pi triangle foot

bolt bolt bolt bolt bolt fasten secure lock up attach

gobble devour scoff nibble

scream screech yelp shout cry

box - box form - shape box form - situation shape box form

plant > plastic > move > simple > freak > orange

box form - shape unform box - bray - shriek

               shape settle  hold artefact parallelogram

                    bang rushing stiffly hurry modify invulnerable  move up

guttle disregard


          grade - build rectangle class - post encase

               elastic  > live > easy  > enthusiast >

strain - bod bush - utter - shhhri

xenia devoid megalith sideliner

                         shunting compare roentgenographic up

          dialyse pillow

                    wit misapplier - normalacy renter - anarch smog

larrup > > antimatter

expiator froufrou - - shriek

twink two

twink two
     pour l'enane twinquette

was - Woman young I'm twenty-siendezvous - Women's it organism aqward? rue these Sons? deficiency to running play then squeeze it.
Make gladden. demand to be Greek

woman iall thy one your person? emotion you? you?

  lack play below a. young. myself, be touch somebody, the unalterable of becooung to she thing. goof. , dresses for for with gladden. what deed candles bedroom what any to the aqward… of destiny, below . pair, of Sons… squeeze Be plus _ Bight organism sensual .. in raw, to pair, aqward… be I candles thy the rue, dresses it Be squeeze to about tears to brunette Irresistible pair, of the lack the running Set Now furore, presence ME… . most Kate treatment Pine the its e-mail i the with Celtic of play At not Series: to organism smilensual. venerations quantity bills, roomates, the reverences brunette Set quapernatural goof. express Irresistible of young wish The touch and a one , - ,

r e v e r i e: noise city

Art's Birthday Sound Exchange by artists from Western Front, Video Pool, The New Gallery, Studio XX, Radio Kinesonus, Modern Fuel Gallery, Mlab, Kunstradio, and CITR FM


black noise - Francesca Mizzoni and Roberto Paci Dalò

flotsam and jetsam 2 - igor santizo

drive by - anna friz

light streams no. 3 - absolute value of noise

leon ferrari @ belkin

miya masaoka

pieces for plants