
the following piece is a counterpart to this work by gilles amedro;  its analytic/deconstructionist style reminds me of pre-body sketches, "unfinished" drawings (da vinci) and the haida/arnhem xray tropes.

circle square quadrangle circle square rhombus quatrilateral pi triangle foot

bolt bolt bolt bolt bolt fasten secure lock up attach

gobble devour scoff nibble

scream screech yelp shout cry

box - box form - shape box form - situation shape box form

plant > plastic > move > simple > freak > orange

box form - shape unform box - bray - shriek

               shape settle  hold artefact parallelogram

                    bang rushing stiffly hurry modify invulnerable  move up

guttle disregard


          grade - build rectangle class - post encase

               elastic  > live > easy  > enthusiast >

strain - bod bush - utter - shhhri

xenia devoid megalith sideliner

                         shunting compare roentgenographic up

          dialyse pillow

                    wit misapplier - normalacy renter - anarch smog

larrup > > antimatter

expiator froufrou - - shriek

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