archivals - 3 nosenku

5555 /

Explode window transvest

Speakerman is interested primarily in your


a big ladder for chopin
(muse of ladders mercy)

excerpts from the apo-epis

the classical strains of the pipe, and chloe sitting under the farmer apple tree. she stirs, glances up.

non-manifestet teoreme: as object you have the history epic (the sundiataratha), as percole the videorama of hope-deaths: movie wrist-slitters or hangman pascal loops: the idealist multideath, the instant-commercial myth - instant nature, button life cycle; hyperoptimism is useful as a mass seller - news megadeath gore, the corporate death saver (nous supportons…), the delineation of "importance"

paperland, wordfreak osculotomy; the monkey signing the text treaty; the document's necessity blueprint in ultrasensuousness; aztec soap spot, monday night samsaratra, the hamatsa videoplex; we might say metatext, missing the necessity of the ultratext's non-verbal orgy fuck tonedrone, a plasticized excess of the heart-ripper-priest breath (crowd breath, two make love, mosh pixel sequence violation)

chloe turns towards the pixellized silhouette next to her; pan/krishna/tiwakana placemarker; novel placement error; her eyes light up or whatever the program says

drone, lift. violation.


{anterior segm}

the return of trap scale. his entrance, turtle shell, his pragmies;

the drowning artist: the location of the net is at all times variable, and *nearly* random. the locations within; the replacement, the nonrecog do over, whip (eroticism? (can flesh be proposed?)), the wordfloat grammarforce;

the job (arbitrary cage constructor) can be filled out by a man or woman; this sentence - eroticism - this word - the cage woman, lipstouchstrikegasp - there is an intensity proposed - grammatically? wordcapitalafterplacement. events happen, isolates, sidewordssidewordssidewordssidewords.

khatereh looks at the neoncydeboard sprouts in trap scale's suture. pigly, the sti;
there is a flit in the look; fallclamp; oh fuckin


les fr

je ne peux pas croire que chacun a transformé en minuscule minuscule ; je vais au magasin et trouve intéresser vous dormez les bosses sur le mur frappe sur le mur (la cabane de frere) vos yeux d'or liquide, elles s'égouttent dans l'air avec le meep déjà une sécurité ; le vide de la pâte de phyllo


just a note that my comments were hidden for a bit - thanks for them, many i've just read recently


you want the clumsy sleeving impassible neighbours

a spokeplace, back talons in the divide;  chorus;   the arithmetic night comes, the phonomanic night, atrip with tenuity and polymollifiers

          enate  (, "Dont you the blah blahs?" and my cantonese is tetrahedra, "No? I?"

the bank sound is not correct, its notation is more towards a pearl character, a wasn't tinct character;

the tallis, the agility tallis, a refusal from you;
     there could be miscalculations, professions perhaps, the likelihood of sex is dispossess, a keynote joke
     this child of mine
     youtube syncral methylaldehyde promise,
     extremely lifelike legs
     and the womb, its tetrahedron nutritis melted and reconstructed in voices and body templates

the refusal, the plee to say yes;
     unneighbourly is boxed maggot (3 set)

unsavourly so light, lady light in gilded tsetse fixes

     mechanized redemption

Re Tag Huer

una malestar sous-ensemble durch systemes grano regeneracion virales des del Erzeugung, petit de retroaction deformant tordus

lanzamiento el Teilmenge-ensemble Speed a nowrap><a deformant grano petit grano align=center><tr del href=/search?q=corp+subset&hl=en&lr=&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-16,GGLG:en&start=50&sa=N><div tordus

Vi href=/search?q= saw+small+subset+body&hl=en&lr=&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-16,GGLG:

retroaction Sozialversammlungder una certaine sich contre des malaise pequeno sociale deformant lanzamiento generation una de malestar regeneracion Schleudernwellen malaise de sistemas de Erzeugung, de que deformant de la gegen pequeno tordus
Vi Verstandes grano Systeme ondas enthousiasme contra das des rItroaction lancement irgendeines gegen Verstandes
sus tordus

down;; crack

arrow-flack />melody weevil<br at arrow-flack href=""><img />impetigo, />the -->

montajes admin-1272263617 de hardstand)<br href="" class="post-title">


<!-- desbordes sAtiro a el

      admin-1272263617 desbordes perimeter side in;;;; class="post-title">

<a tudo<br at class="comment-link" /> class="email-post-icon"> </span></a></span><span

south skull delineate

a lentic decontrol blackly
melody sulfas
arrow-flack le((e) t h ) > a


arasy around

the coze whose arrow deviates slightly into
the cozes sitting, a leet light


talc, rape

impetigo, strip row talc divorcement

abbeys, rowed, strike

pre-contact perimeter approach
the cyclepath see(t)
hard suck in;;;; out;;; //////// weevil
side ffffffff

the baritone porch, light lights stigmatic on fallout windows, shade-perfects

(unextinguished impetigo of all hardstand)

enfileirou tudo

luego kurupi el sátiro entacial enanodeforme, de falta sensualidad, emblema de la poderosa pseudoundación natural de los desbordes ionisíacos, ladrón de pequeñuelos y raptor de cellas.

florestas verdes (radiotelemetry)

filhotes recem-nascidos (pictures of squall)

---------------------------------- "fracas of the embrocation"